It’s been a while since the last update. Things have been quite busy recently with repairs, prototypes and new upgrades. Here’s some info on what’s happening!


We have decided to start using printed circuit boards or PCB’s in our pedals. This change will happen gradually beginning from Beacons and Top Hats. Other pedals will still have the old boards. So there will be some overlapping with the different boards. More info on this as we get the new batch of pedals ready.

Why the change?

This will allow us to make our pedals better. That’s always the main reason for upgrading anything with our products. The new boards are more durable, easier to assemble, look better and save time. That time can now be spent on product development, marketing and other Häh-things. This change will raise the price of our products slightly. But this raise in price is reflected greatly on the quality of the product.

Does this mean that my old Häh-Audio pedal is not good enough?

No. Pedals are made everywhere with the method we used. For example Benson uses them in their products and many people doing clones use them to great effect. Maybe the “old board” will even some day make your pedal worth a lot more. Who knows?

But don’t PCB’s sound worse?

I think this is just a myth. Hundreds and hundreds of companies use PCB’s and if it really sounded worse would they be using them? We still use through-hole-components and solder everything by hand. In my opinion there’s some claim to surface mount components sounding different but that again is debatable.

New pedals

With the new circuit boards come some updates to old pedals. We have decided to replace the mini version of the Beacon fuzz with a new two knob version.

New version will have Volume and Fuzz controls available from the top. This has earlier been available as a custom pedal. Adding the Fuzz control brings more flexibility to the pedal. The enclosure will be a slightly bigger and have new graphics. More info coming soon.

We are also working on some new designs that will be released later in the year so stay tuned.

The last mini-Beacon